Hero's Jr. is looking for inspiring life stories and messages.
We have no preference for age or organization.
Whoever you are, how you live your life can affect and be beneficial to someone else's life!
The world consists of many people and many minds; everyone is different and everyone is unique; this is "LIFE!"
Thus, you are the one with the power to pass something useful on to others - it must be you who chooses to do so.
What you have to say could be influential to someone's life, inspiring sympathy or empathy even to the point of tears, as you never know what someone else needs to hear in order to be
Hence, without even knowing it, you may be able to cause quiver in another heart, cheering them up or even being the spark they need to evolve into something better!
Consequently, someone else's life message may heal and inspire you as well.
Everyone seeks real life heroes; age, gender, and occupation are not important.
Hero's Jr. shares real life messages that are significantly meaningful to others, so please contribute your life's message.
We will look at submissions in the order that they are received; the form is below.
Furthermore, we will hold a contest called "Hero's Jr. AOKI INAZUMA."
We will contact the person who achieves first place (grand prix) to be featured in an official Heroes interview. Additionally, the first place winner will receive a movie clip just like the ones
below as a reward; it will be displayed not only on YouTube but on the top page of the Official Heroes Interview website as well. Thank you.
memo:※Required item